Golden Week 2024 Schedule

Hey everyone! Golden week is almost here!

Most of you never heard of Golden Week, but it’s a National Holiday in Japan.

For Japanese people, it’s the equivalent of “Spring Break”.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused, all customers with orders affected by Golden Week will be contacted by email.

You can find more information about this holiday by following this link.

When is Golden Week?

Golden Week takes place from April 27th to May 6th this year.

What usually happens during Golden Week?

The whole country of Japan kind of “shuts down”. Most factories are closed and people take time to visit their family, do sightseeing or travel. This year, it’ll just be time to relax at home.

Why do we talk about Golden Week?

As you may know already, 99% of our parts ship straight from Japan. During Golden Week, our shipping department is no different and all operations will be halted during Golden Week. 

Will your order be affected?

If you placed a order after April 11th and it didn’t ship yet, your order may be delayed by ~5-7 business days (but we will do our best to ship it before). Orders placed between April 26th and May 3rd will not be processed until May 7th, since we need to wait for shops to come back from vacation. We will proceed all orders in order of oldest to newest, so if there is limited stock of a product, the orders first received will be prioritized.

Time to enjoy life.

We’ve been doing the MotiveJAPAN adventure for over 10 years now! It’s a lot of work, but so enjoyable. It’s the only time of the year that we can really take time for ourselves and recharge before the summer season!

Sales inquiries between April 26th and May 3rd will be limited because most questions that we do not have answer to cannot be answered during that period.

Cheers, time to drive!


Quick Fix For Credit Card Payment Issue

Quick Fix For Credit Card Payment Issue

Sometimes, credit card processor or bank have special requirements such as space in zip code (or no space), company field empty, etc. and the processing of the order cannot be done using the regular “Credit Card or Debit Card” method.

We have a workaround that should fix the problem!

During checkout, fill all your information as usual, but instead of choosing “Credit Card or Debit Card”, please choose “PayPal” option :

After pressing “PLACE ORDER NOW”, you will be prompted to a PayPal page and you will need to select “Pay with a credit or Visa Debit card” :

In the next page, fill out all your card and billing information and then you just need to click “No Thanks”, confirm the checkbox and click “Pay Now” et voila!

We are very sorry about how complicated the process is, but sometimes banks/credit card issuers make it difficult to order from our website.